Sunday 25 December 2016

Minda Wilson of Urgent Care concerns about the US Healthcare in early 2017

While the deadline for getting insurance was extended to January, those who purchase after December 15th will not be covered on 1/1 and will be subject to fines.

Even if Obamacare is repealed, if you enter into an insurance contract, you are obligated to its terms. You may cancel, but you may not be able to get another policy.

If Obamacare is repealed, the terms of your policy will be the same for all of 2017.  Benefits for addiction treatment, psyc help or wellness care can't be eliminated.

Most individual policies do not cover you if you get sick or injured outside your home state.   If you get sick or injured while traveling, except for a visit to the ER, it is on you.

If you lose your job and your COBRA is too expensive, subsidized policies are available; The subsidy is based on your annual income.

Even if Obamacare is repealed new policies will not be available until 2018.

State Departments of Insurance are the ones who approve policies and set rates.  They were the ones who agreed to the 25+% increases.

Minda Wilson

My book, Urgent Care is available on amazon  click here, purchase a copy of Urgent Care today

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Saturday 5 November 2016

Urgent Care by Minda Wilson

Hello Friend, 

I am  Minda Wilson I have spent more than 20 years on the frontlines of the healthcare debate. I am not a politician or an insurance executive.

I am corporate attorney specializing in healthcare, I am commissioned to understand the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, its implementation, and its impact.

What I have learned is terrifying, the insight and expertise I have to say what no one else is saying, and is proposing real-world, implementable solutions. My new book called Urgent Care, offers ten cures for America’s ailing healthcare system. 

The truth is, that I am trying to ensure access to high quality, affordable healthcare for all Americans and improve the healthcare delivery records of underperforming hospitals, we have sacrificed many of the things that made America’s health system the greatest one in the world.

What is the future of healthcare in America if we don’t change our current trajectory? 

Our current path leads to a future where fat, rich insurance companies continue to squeeze service providers and suppliers, where middle class people cannot afford to pay for care, and where the reality of doctors struggling pushes them to seek better opportunities outside of medicine. 

Urgent Care examines where we are, how we got here, and the future of healthcare delivery if we do nothing. I speak about a wide variety of issues including: Up to 95% of every dollar you spend on insurance goes to fund insurance company costs, not patient care; shouldn’t it be the opposite? 

This year, depending upon where you live, insurance companies are raising policy rates for families between 10% and 40%. While insurance companies are having record years and senior executives are getting record bonuses, healthcare suppliers and providers are being told they should not expect to receive any portion of this premium increase. 

I explain how our current system will bankrupt our middle class. 

With insurance covering less and less, the cost of premiums escalating each year, and the cost of administering healthcare plans skyrocketing, why would any company continue to offer health insurance when the penalty under ACA guidelines to not do so is far less? 

Insurance models that work; catastrophic coverage for $5 a month with a $500 deductible - why is no one holding big insurer’s feet to the fire to match this? 

Solutions that address tax benefits, gifting programs, a realignment of Urgent Care Center function, medical services to incarcerated populations, as well as other programs and processes. 

How consumers like you can take back their power, and more. Healthcare in America can be fixed. 

In Urgent Care, I am combining healthcare law and practice with proven business strategies, and joining policy with the practical. 

Listen to my Podcast with Frank Vernuccio .... Urgent Care with Frank Vernuccio

My book Urgent Care is available on amazon  click here, purchase a copy of Urgent Care today

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